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Best Value in Chelsea Boots


Best Value in Chelsea Boots

A pair of Chelsea boots will take you from the office on Friday straight through to Sunday brunch all winter long (and several winters to come) if chosen well. Since the Chelsea boot is so popular right now, there are more and more affordable options. These quality brands give you the best value for your money.


End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap


End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap

This is as cheap as it gets. Now is the time to pull the trigger on staple pieces you know you'll wear next summer like swimming trunks or shorts. Perhaps invest in that linen blazer while it's half price. Happy Labor Day.


Upgrade Your Fitness-Wear for a More Effective Workout


Upgrade Your Fitness-Wear for a More Effective Workout

Your fitness-wear not only affects how other gym-goers perceive you, but also has a major impact on your athletic performance.


Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated


Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated

At weddings you're typically meeting many new people, so you'll want to make an impression. The more appropriately you dress for the occasion, the more likely you will be perceived as intelligent and socially aware. It's critical you get the dress code right.


WTF is the Obsession with Raw Selvedge Denim


WTF is the Obsession with Raw Selvedge Denim

What benefits do raw selvedge jeans offer? Selvedge denim is not cheap. Is owning a pair worth the cost and effort of wearing them in? Not as far as I can tell.


Suit Details That Determine Quality

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Suit Details That Determine Quality

Certain suit details signal good quality while others are trumpeted as such when really they don't matter. Spend on what counts and communicate your capacity for success and social awareness at meetings, interviews and weddings.

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Hot or Not? Printed Shirts


Hot or Not? Printed Shirts

Last year, men's printed shirts made it across the pond and started showing up within North America's most fashionable brands after having been popular in Europe for years. What does this mean for you? Buy.


Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

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Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

I cringe when I see a guy who unknowingly spent several hundred dollars on a sloppy, ill-fitting suit. You'd be surprised, sometimes fit failures pop up in even the most high-end, expensive suits.

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Hot or Not? Polos


Hot or Not? Polos

Polos. Very trendy during the 2000s, not so much anymore. The smallest details can make one look fresh and cool or severely outdated.



Declutter Your Closet to Discover a New (and Better) Normal


Declutter Your Closet to Discover a New (and Better) Normal

Order within your space allows for clarity in your life. This unique method to organizing your closet actually inspires a more joyful lifestyle.


The Rule of 7: A Simple, Yet Game-Changing Style Strategy

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The Rule of 7: A Simple, Yet Game-Changing Style Strategy

The complex, balanced yet elusive 'outfit'. Employ the strategy of the stylish - the magic 7 rule. It's the simplest way to immediately improve your style game.

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Blue Chip Style Investments: Work-Bag Edition

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Blue Chip Style Investments: Work-Bag Edition

The expense of a sophisticated, contemporary bag is worth every penny. It not only creates the most impressions of you but also improves your performance.

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Don't Waste Your Money on Designer Sunglasses


Don't Waste Your Money on Designer Sunglasses

Sunglasses have an extremely high markup when stamped with a brand name. Why spend your hard-earned cash on such a transient item?


Blue Chip Style Investments: Denim Edition

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Blue Chip Style Investments: Denim Edition

For less than $1 per wear you could be perceived as more intelligent and socially aware while you reinforce your own confidence. Worth it?

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