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Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated


Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated

At weddings you're typically meeting many new people, so you'll want to make an impression. The more appropriately you dress for the occasion, the more likely you will be perceived as intelligent and socially aware. It's critical you get the dress code right.


Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

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Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

I cringe when I see a guy who unknowingly spent several hundred dollars on a sloppy, ill-fitting suit. You'd be surprised, sometimes fit failures pop up in even the most high-end, expensive suits.

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Sun, Sandals &... Black Tie? Nail the Beach Wedding


Sun, Sandals &... Black Tie? Nail the Beach Wedding

You're meeting and mingling with a lot of new people. Make an impression. Nail the beach formal wedding look.


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