Viewing entries tagged
poor fit

Suit Details That Determine Quality

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Suit Details That Determine Quality

Certain suit details signal good quality while others are trumpeted as such when really they don't matter. Spend on what counts and communicate your capacity for success and social awareness at meetings, interviews and weddings.

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Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

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Sloppy Suit Test: Fit Failures to Avoid

I cringe when I see a guy who unknowingly spent several hundred dollars on a sloppy, ill-fitting suit. You'd be surprised, sometimes fit failures pop up in even the most high-end, expensive suits.

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Declutter Your Closet to Discover a New (and Better) Normal


Declutter Your Closet to Discover a New (and Better) Normal

Order within your space allows for clarity in your life. This unique method to organizing your closet actually inspires a more joyful lifestyle.


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