Viewing entries tagged
men's shirts

Chemistry of Attraction: Complement Your Pheromones

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Chemistry of Attraction: Complement Your Pheromones

Chemistry involving attraction is not just a phrase. More and more research shows that our pheromones are silently exposing our mood, fertility, sexuality and DNA to those around us. Complement what you've naturally got going on to become utterly irresistible. 

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End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap


End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap

This is as cheap as it gets. Now is the time to pull the trigger on staple pieces you know you'll wear next summer like swimming trunks or shorts. Perhaps invest in that linen blazer while it's half price. Happy Labor Day.


Hot or Not? Printed Shirts


Hot or Not? Printed Shirts

Last year, men's printed shirts made it across the pond and started showing up within North America's most fashionable brands after having been popular in Europe for years. What does this mean for you? Buy.


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