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Last Minute Gifts for the Ladies


Last Minute Gifts for the Ladies

Only three more business days until Christmas weekend. Take a look at my last minute gift ideas for the women in your life. They'll appreciate it.


End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap


End of Summer Sale: What to Buy While it's Cheap

This is as cheap as it gets. Now is the time to pull the trigger on staple pieces you know you'll wear next summer like swimming trunks or shorts. Perhaps invest in that linen blazer while it's half price. Happy Labor Day.


Upgrade Your Fitness-Wear for a More Effective Workout


Upgrade Your Fitness-Wear for a More Effective Workout

Your fitness-wear not only affects how other gym-goers perceive you, but also has a major impact on your athletic performance.


Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated


Men's Wedding Dress Code Translated

At weddings you're typically meeting many new people, so you'll want to make an impression. The more appropriately you dress for the occasion, the more likely you will be perceived as intelligent and socially aware. It's critical you get the dress code right.


Suit Details That Determine Quality

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Suit Details That Determine Quality

Certain suit details signal good quality while others are trumpeted as such when really they don't matter. Spend on what counts and communicate your capacity for success and social awareness at meetings, interviews and weddings.

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